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    Urban planning by-laws

    Urban planning by-laws

    Urban planning by-laws


    This coding has been prepared solely for the convenience of the reader and has no official value. No warranty is offered as to the accuracy of the text. For all legal purposes, the reader should consult the official version of the by-law and each of its amendments or obtain a copy by contacting the City's clerk office.

    *The bylaws listed below are those that are asked for most often. If you have any questions or would like to inquire about any other bylaw, please call 514-457-5500. Documents are available in French only.


    By-law number 853 JANUARY 22, 2024
    Capital expenditures for the redevelopment of the pacific, sainte-anne and anciens-combattants intersections and a loan of $750,000

    By-law number 852 JANUARY 22, 2024
    Decreeing capital expenditures for development work at Parc Aumais and a loan of $1,400,000

    By-law number 534 SEPTEMBER 19, 2019
    General provisions 

    By-law number 814 OCTOBER 22, 2020
    Appliances and fireplaces for use with solid fuel

    By-law number 850 SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
    Decreeing capital expenditures for the construction of a new pavilion at lalonde park and a loan of $1,575,749

    Bulding demolition

    By-law number 846 on the demolition of buildings and repealing by-law number 656 MARCH 20, 2023
    General provisions - Building demolition regulations

    Exemption from the ban on converting a building to divided co-ownership

    By-law number 665 JANUARY 23,1999
    General Provisions - By-law respecting exemptions from the ban on converting an immovable to divided co-ownership

    Minor derogation

    By-law number 638 APRIL 20, 1996
    General Provisions - Minor Variance By-law

    Formation of a Consultative Planning Committee (CCU) 

    By-law number 704 DECEMBER 3, 2005
    General provisions - CCU formation by-law


    By-law number 535 DECEMBER 20, 2018
    General provisions - Subdivision regulations

    By-law number 535-16 DECEMBER15, 2021
    Amending Subdivision By-law 535 to modify the minimum and maximum lot areas in Zone I-127 to ensure concordance with the Programme particulier d'urbanisme (PPU) - northern sector

    By-law number 535-20 JANUARY 25, 2022
    This by-law is no longer in force. Please refer to by-law 535-21, which repeals it.

    By-law number 535-21 JULY 7, 2022

    Bulding occupancy and maintenance

    By-law number 845 JANUARY 5, 2023
    Relating to the maintenance and occupancy of buildings and repealing by-law number 764

    Permits and Certificates

    By-law number 536 JUNE 30, 2007
    General Provisions - Permits and Certificates By-law

    By-law number 536-12 MAY 10, 2022
    Amending by-law number 536 respecting permits and certificates in order to require a certificate of authorization for the installation of technical or air-conditioning equipment in zones H-147, H-148, H-149 and P-151 (Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants sector)

    Comprehensive development plans (PAE)

    By-law number 734 DECEMBER 20, 2018
    General provisions - PAE regulations

    Site planning and architectural integration program (SPAIP) 

    By-law number 798 FEBRUARY 14, 2019
    General provisions - Site planning and architectural integration program by-law

    By-law number 798 | Annexes MAY 3, 2017
    Annexes 1 to 5

    By-law number 798-4 AUGUST 25, 2021
    Modifying by-law number 798 concerning site planning and architectural integration programs (SPAIP) in order to introduce provisions applicable within the framework of the special planning program (SPP) for the Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants sector.

    By-law number 798-5 JUNE 1, 2022
    Modifying by-law number 798 respecting site planning and architectural integration programs (SPAIP) in order to modify the scope of application and add evaluation criteria for the Boulevard des Anciens- Combattants sector.

    By-law number 798-6 MAY 10, 2022
    Amending by-law number 798 respecting site planning and architectural integration programs (SPAIP) in order to exclude certain categories of work from the application of the by-law

    Urban Plan

    By-law number 797 JULY 29, 2017
    Modifying the urban plan of the city of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by the city of Montreal under number 04-047, in order to ensure the conformity of the bylaw with the schéma d'aménagement et de développement de l'agglomération de Montréal (concordance) and to replace the programme particulier d'urbanisme (PPU) for the northern sector.

    By-law number 797 | Annexes JULY 29, 2017

    By-law number 797-1 AUGUST 31, 2022
    Modifying the urban plan of the City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by the City of Montreal under number 04-047, in order to replace the special planning program (PPU) for the northern sector.

    By-law number 797-3 FEBRUARY 18, 2021
    Modifying the urban plan of the city of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by the city of Montreal under number 04-047, in order to modify the special planning program (PPU) for the northern sector.

    By-law number 797-4 JUNE 1, 2022
    Modifying the urban plan of the city of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by the city of Montreal under number 04-047, in order to modify the delimitation of the intervention territory of the special planning program (ppu) for the northern sector.

    By-law number 797-5 JUNE 1, 2022
    Modifying the urban plan of the City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by the City of Montreal under number 04-047 in order to modify the special planning program (ppu) for Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants

    By-law number 813 MAY 13, 2019
    Modifying the urban plan of the City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by the City of Montreal under number 04-047, in order to include the special planning program (PPU) for Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants

    By-law number 813 | Annexe MAY 13, 2019
    Annexe A

    By-law number 838 MARCH 17, 2022
    Interim control by-law to modify the boundaries of the intervention territory of the northern sector special planning program (ppu) and the guidelines governing the industrial function within this territory

    By-law number 851 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023
    Concerning the repeal of Interim Control By-law No. 838 concerning a vision of land use and development in a context of resilience to climate change and the cohabitation of certain economic activities.

    Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants special planning program (PPU) 

    By-law number 797-5 JUNE 1, 2022
    Modifying the urban plan of the City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by the City of Montreal under number 04-047 in order to modify the special planning program (ppu) for Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants

    By-law number 813 MAY 13, 2019
    Modifying the urban plan of the City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by the City of Montreal under number 04-047, in order to include the special planning program (PPU) for Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants

    By-law number 813 | Annexe MAY 13, 2019
    Annexe A

    Programme pariculier d'urbanisme(PPU) for the northern sector of the city Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue

    By-law number 708 JANUARY 27, 2007
    Amending the urban plan, as adopted by Ville de Montréal under number 04-047, to integrate the special planning program (PPU) for the northern sector of the City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue

    By-law number 708-2 SEPTEMBER 27, 2010
    Modifying the urban plan of the city of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by Ville de Montréal under number 04-047, so as to create a “residential sector” allocation from part of the “employment sector” allocation and to include specific provisions

    By-law number 797-4 JUNE 1, 2022
    Modifying the urban plan of the city of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, as adopted by the city of Montreal under number 04-047, in order to modify the delimitation of the intervention territory of the special planning program (ppu) for the northern sector.

    Special building construction, alteration or occupancy projects (PPCMOI) 

    By-law number 785 JULY 29, 2017
    General provisions - PPCMOI regulations 

    Interim Control By-law

    By-law number 848 JUNE 15, 2023
    Interim control by-law to initiate reflection on the vision for land use and development in a context of resilience to climate change and cohabitation of certain economic activities


    Zoning by-law | Table of contents NOVEMBER 25, 1990
    Zoning by-law 

    By-law number 533 APRIL 17, 2018
    Chapters 1 to 3 - General provisions

    By-law number 533 JANUARY 8, 2019
    Chapter 4 - Residential areas

    By-law number 533 APRIL 17, 2018
    Chapter 5 - Commercial zones

    By-law number 533 APRIL 17, 2018
    Chapter 6 - Industrial zones

    By-law number 533 JUNE 28, 2017
    Chapters 7 to 9 - Institutional, park and public areas

    By-law number 533 | Zoning map JANUARY 8, 2019
    Zoning map - Sheet 1

    By-law number 533 | Zoning map JANUARY 8, 2019
    Zoning map - Sheet 2 

    By-law number 533 | Annexe APRIL 17, 2018
    Annexe 1 - Zoning by-law definitions

    By-law number 533  | Annexe FEBRUARY 1, 2019
    Map 1 - Natural environment

    By-law number 533 | Annexe FEBRUARY1, 2019
    Map 2 - Ecological territories

    By-law number 533 | Annexe FEBRUARY 1, 2019
    Map 3 - Landscapes of identity

    By-law number 533 | Annexe FEBRUARY 1, 2019
    Map 4 - Built heritage

    By-law number 533 | Annexe FEBRUARY 1, 2019
    Map 5 - Archaeological heritage

    By-law number 533 | Annexe FEBRUARY 1, 2019
    Map 6 - Heat islands

    By-law number 533-76 NOVEMBER 16, 2021
    Modifying zoning bylaw number 533 to prohibit the R-4 residential use (4 dwellings and more) in zone H-134

    By-law number 533-77 DECEMBER 15, 2021
    Modifying zoning by-law number 533 in order to modify the minimum and maximum footprint rates in zone I-127 to ensure concordance with the special planning program (PPU) - northern sector

    By-law number 533-81 JANUARY 25, 2022
    This by-law is no longer in force. Please refer to by-law 533-84, which repeals it.

    By-law number 533-82 JUNE 14, 2022
    Amending zoning by-law number 533 in order to authorize and regulate the redevelopment project in the Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants sector

    By-law number 533-83 AUGUST 4, 2022
    Amending zoning by-law number 533 in order to modify the specific provisions applicable to tree felling and replacement

    By-law number 533-84 JULY 7, 2022
    Repealing by-law number 533-81 amending zoning by-law number 533 in order to create zone I-149 from zone I-126

    By-law number 533-86 SEPTEMBER 8, 2023
    Modifying zoning bylaw number 533 to integrate standards for tourist accommodations within a principal residence.

    By-law number 533-87 JULY 5, 2023
    Modifying zoning by-law number 533 to integrate standards for tourist residences

    Flood Zones of Lac des Deux-Montagnes 

    Map of East Section
    Map of South Section