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    Règlement sur le stationnement de nuit - Hiver 2024-2025

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    Organic Waste

    Organic Waste

    Organic Waste

    Sorting Guide

    Sorting Guide
    September 14, 2023

    • Collection schedule
    • Sorting Guide
    • Operation
    • Home composting
    • Tips
    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    • Resources

    Organic materials are collected weekly on Wednesdays throughout the year.

    For the complete collection schedule, consult the calendar.

    The collect of organic waste takes place weekly on Mondays throughout the year.

    The Terra residential project (Frédéric-Back Street) is equipped with semi-buried containers (Moloks) for the collection of residues. For this reason, the collection schedule for this project differs from the collection schedule for the other sectors of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue.

    Kitchen waste :

    • Fruits and vegetables
    • Egg shells
    • Fish and seafood
    • Meat and poultry, including bones
    • Dairy products
    • Bread, pasta and cereal products
    • Nut shells
    • Coffee and tea bags

    Garden waste :

    • Plants, leaves, grass, thatch, mulch

    Other :

    • Unwaxed paper plates
    • Paper towels
    • Tissues
    • Pet food
    • Condiments
    • Soiled newspapers

    • Plastic bags (including compostable and biodegradable bags)
    • Dryer lint
    • Wax paper
    • Plastic packaging
    • Styrofoam
    • Wood and ceramics
    • Fabrics
    • Tree branches
    • Diapers and sanitary towels

    Waste Bin Management

    The blue bin must be placed at the curb after 7 p.m.* the day before collection and before 7 a.m. on collection day, with the wheels facing your residence. Make sure your blue bin is visible and placed30 cm (12 inches) from the curb or sidewalk, so as not to impede traffic or the maintenance of public roads.

    *9 p.m. for residents on Sainte-Anne Street, between Église Street and Montée Sainte-Marie.

    For all repairs or new recycling and composting bins, residents must provide the serial number written on the side of the bin at the time of request. 

    Home composting involves returning organic matter directly from your home to the soil.

    Equiterre’s guide to home composting

    Mini-guide to backyard composting by RECYC-QUÉBEC

    Organic Materials Unsuitable for Home Composting

    • Animal by-products (dairy products, meat, etc.)
    • Fats (vegetable oils, mayonnaise, salad dressings, etc.)
    • Diseased plants or foliage
    • Animal excrement
    • Weeds that have gone to seed
    • Materials containing pesticides or hazardous products
    • BBQ ashes and briquettes

    • Use paper bags or line the bottom of the bin with newspaper;
    • Rinse the bin with water and a mild detergent or vinegar after each collection;
    • Add baking soda to the bottom of the brown bin and kitchen container;
    • Add a layer of yard waste on top of food scraps;
    • Place the brown bin in the shade, out of direct sunlight;
    • Have your bin emptied at every collection, even if it contains very little material;
    • Keep your kitchen container and brown bin lids tightly closed at all times;
    • If possible, freeze meats, poultry and fish until collection day, or wrap them in a sheet of newspaper or flyer;
    • Leave grass clippings on the ground, as they are a source of odours in the wheeled bin. If you insist on putting them in the bin, let them dry first;
    • Avoid putting liquids such as soup, milk or juice in the brown bin.
    • Wrap leftover meat, poultry and fish in newspaper or paper bags before placing them in the bin;
    • Close the bag tightly after each use;
    • Sprinkle salt or add vinegar, as needed.
    • Keep small animals (raccoons) away by applying a little eucalyptus-based cough ointment around the air holes of the bin;
    • Get rid of white grubs by spraying them with salt or vinegar;
    • If possible, freeze meat, poultry and fish until the day of collection; if not, wrap them in newspaper or newspaper to prevent flies from laying their eggs.
    • In winter, to prevent waste from clumping together, line the bottom of your bin with newspaper or a piece of cardboard;
    • Avoid putting liquids in the bin.

    Grasscycling is the practice of spreading lawn clippings on the ground rather than collecting them. Grass clippings left on the lawn provide minerals and increase humidity for a healthy lawn. The clippings are rapidly degraded by soil microorganisms, and as they break down, nutrients are released back into the soil and reabsorbed by the lawn (source : ville en vert)

    Although the City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue collects green and food waste, it strongly encourages the practice of herbicycling.

    You can put your leaf-filled paper bag next to your brown bin, and it will be picked up during the organic waste collection. You can also put them in unwaxed cardboard boxes or empty garbage bins.

    Leaves piled up on the ground will not be collected. It is forbidden, under penalty of fine, to rake or deposit leaves in the street. They can block drains and pose a traffic hazard.

    No. Once the holidays are over, the city organizes special collections to pick up the trees.

    Tree collection

    RECYC-QUÉBEC mobile application