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    Règlement sur le stationnement de nuit - Hiver 2024-2025

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    Electronic Boards

    Electronic Boards

    Electronic Boards

    The City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue owns and operates two digital billboards and allows the diffusion of community or public interest in addition to promoting the activities organized by the municipality.

    The City messages will always be treated as a priority and it is possible that, in the event of an emergency, event promotion messages may be temporarily interrupted.


    Saint-Pierre Street, at the corner of rue Sainte-Elisabeth

    Chemin Sainte-Marie, at the corner of the Meloche Street

    Operating Rules

    Posting Language
    All messages must be provided in French. Messages containing incoherent text will be returned for correction.

    Design, frequency and duration of messages

    • The use of the electronic billboard is limited to the dissemination of non-commercial information. The City does not allow any images, pictures or comments of an obscene, hateful, explicit, racial, abusive, defamatory or of a sexual nature or that encourages illegal activities. Nor does it allow solicitation or advertising or messages of political or religious nature.
    • The design, frequency and duration of the message are at the discretion of the City.
    • The City reserves the right to change the message, reject or postpone to a later date. The maximum duration of a posted item is 2 weeks.
    • If the organization cancels an event or activity before or during the broadcast, it must notify the Communications Department immediately at 514 457-6883 or at info@sadb.qc.ca.
    • The City reserves the right to establish an order of priority on the advertising of messages. City announcements have precedence over other display messages.

    How to Request for Posting

    • To request your message to be posted on the City's billboards, you must:
    • be an partner organization recognized by the Recreation Department of the City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
    • have a major event of public interest to announce and which concerns a large portion of the City's population

    You must fill out an Online Request and select the category Request for publication. In your message, please provide the following information:

    • title of the event
    • event date
    • event time (if applicable)
    • location of the event

    For visibility, we can not publish more details.

    If you provide a visual with your text, it must be of the following dimensions:

    • 160 pixels wide by 80 pixels high
    • image resolution: minimum 72 dpi

    The City reserves the right to accept or refuse any request for posting without any justification.

    • être un organisme partenaire reconnu par le Service des loisirs de la Ville de Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
    • avoir un événement majeur, d’intérêt général, à annoncer et qui concerne une grande partie de la population de la Ville

    Vous devez faire une Requête en ligne, dans la catégorie Demande d'affichage et publication. Dans votre message, veuillez fournir les informations suivantes :

    • titre de l’événement
    • date de l’événement
    • heure de l’événement (s’il y a lieu)
    • lieu de l’événement

    Pour une question de visibilité, nous ne pouvons publier davantage de détails.

    Si vous fournissez un visuel avec votre texte, il doit être des dimensions suivantes :

    • 160 pixels de large par 80 pixels de haut
    • résolution de l’image : minimum 72 dpi

    La Ville se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de refuser toute demande d’affichage sans aucune justification.