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    Peter-Williamson chalet will be closed indefinitely

    The Peter-Williamson chalet was damaged by the storm that happened on Friday, August 9, 2024
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    Halloween activities

    Halloween activities


    Take part in trick-or-treating at Centre Harpell and Chalet Peter-Williamson!
    Enjoy the spooky decorations and admire the pumpkins decorated by daycare children.
    A day full of thrills and spills awaits you!

    Clientele: Children and young adults
    Location : Centre Harpell and Peter-Williamson Chalet
    Schedule: Wednesday, October 31, 5 p.m.

    Contest for residents 

    Express your creativity by decorating a pumpkin inspired by our city (e.g.: logo, activity, favourite place, etc.).
    Send your photo to loisirs@sadb.qc.ca before October 30. The winner will receive a fantastic gift card.
    May the best pumpkin win!

    Clientele: Residents, young and old
    Schedule: October 1 to 30