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    Advisory Committees

    Advisory Committees

    Advisory committees

    Invitation for candidates to serve on various Town committees

    The City is looking for citizens wishing to get involved in the community by volunteering for one of these advisory committees:

    • Community Development Committee
    • Traffic and Public Safety Committee
    • Urban Planning Advisory Committee
    • MADA (Municipalité amie des ainés) steering committee

    Advisory committees are tasked with examining various situations brought to their attention, in order to recommend to the municipal council actions that could improve the quality of the living environment. The term of office is 2 years.

    Submit your contact details and a letter of motivation or any other relevant document to Town Hall, or by e-mail to greffe@sadb.qc.ca  no later than 4:30 p.m. on December 22.

    Those wishing to run for the urban planning advisory committee must be a member of a professional order related to this function (urban planner, architect, etc.).

    Please note that if you have applied for more than one position, the Town Council encourages diversity in the selection of committee members.

    *In this text, the masculine is used for the sole purpose of lightening the text.

    Invitation for candidates to serve on various Town committees

    Invitation for candidates to serve on various Town committees 13 OCTOBER 2023

    Traffic and Public Safety

    President (2022) : Denis Gignac, président | Jean-Pierre Cardinal, vice-président | Yvan Labelle, observateur

    President (2023) : Jean-Pierre Cardinal, président | Yvan Labelle, observateur

    Members : Remo Boccardi, Jean-François Larente, Kevin Woodhouse, Roberto Beltrami, Sandu Dolbel, Denis Gignac (2023)

    Contacts : Représentant du SPVM, PDQ 1, Patrouilleur municipal , Directeur général

    Planning Advisory Committee (CCU)

    President: Paola Hawa, Mayor

    Members: Denis Gignac and Dan Boyer

    Contacts: Inspecteur en chef en bâtiments, Directeur général, Technicienne en urbanisme

    Consult the CCU meetings calendar

    Community Development

    President: Dan Boyer

    Members: Irina Mosesova, Thérèse Fournier, Christiane Loupelle, Corey Meath

    Contacts: Coordonnateur des loisirs et de la vie communautaire, Directeur général, Secrétaire au service des loisirs et de la vie communautaire

    Code of ethics of committee members

    Code d’éthique et de déontologie des membres des comités consultatifs 5 MARCH 2018