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    Règlement sur le stationnement de nuit - Hiver 2024-2025

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    Loan Service

    Loan Service

    Loan Service

    • Terms and conditions for loans
    • Renewal and return of documents
    • Interlibrary loans
    • Purchase suggestion

    Types of documentsMaximumDuration (day)Late fees (per day)
    Books 18 21 $ 0,25
    New books 18 21 $ 0,50
    Magazines 6 21 $ 0,10
    Compact discs (CD 2 7 $ 0,25
    DVD 3 7 $ 0,50
    Langage courses 1 35 $ 1,00
    Board Games 2 21 $ 0,50
    Interlibrary loan 18 21 $ 0,25
    Reservations 10 - -
    Types of documentMaximumDuration (day)Late fees (per day)
    Books 12 21 $ 0,25
    New books 12 21 $ 0,25
    Magazines (youth)     6 21 $ 0,10
    Compact discs (CD) 0 - -
    DVD 3 7 $ 0,50
    Language courses 0 - -
    Board Games 2 21 $ 0,50
    Interlibrary loan 8 21 $ 0,25
    Reservations 7 - -

    Renewal of documents

    For books, magazines and compact discs only at the loaning desk or by phone during business hours. Some restrictions apply.

    Return of documents

    At the loaning desk or by books fall outside for returns during when the library is closed. Thank you to protect documents with elastic or bags tightly closed.

    Fees will apply to the borrower’s files upon receipt of damaged documents.

    Borrow a book from 100 libraries with a few clicks.

    The book you want don’t appear in our catalog ?
    Find it quickly with the Catalogue des bibliothèque du Québec. This catalog gives you access to information resources across the province, and among more than 100 participating libraries.

    With Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec, you can subcribe online and make you own request.

    1. First make sure that we don’t have the desired document by visiting our catalog

    2. If we don’t have it, do a search in the Catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec to identify precisely the desired document and automatically fill the application form for the ILL.

    3. If you use the ILL service for the first time, please register to the Catalogue des bibliothèque du Québec.   

    Identification numberPassword"Bibliothèque d’appartenance"
    Your user number at our Library (barecode) your PIN at our Library Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue

    Then do your search in the catalog and click on "DEMANDER". Check the accuracy of desired documentthe and click "SOUMETTRE".

    For a better service, read the following information:

    Documents excluded Multimedia (audiobooks, CDs, CDs, DVDs, software), news, reference books, periodicals
    Maximum requests 8 request at the time
    Loan conditions Loan conditions (duration , the loan fees) are determined by the lending library. The return date may be changed without notice. Your membership must be valid, no fees, no dispute.
    Renewal The possibility to renew a ILL is determined by the lending libraries. Please look on the headband located on the document to see if the document is renewable or not.

    If the document is renewable, the renewal is possible by emaill or by phone at 514-457-1940 two days before the return date.
    Fees Generally, the service is free. However, if the lending library charges a fee, you need to pay it.

    In the request form, specify the maximum amount you agree to pay if the lending library charges a fee. If the fees exceed the amount you indicated, we will notify you before making a loan request.

    Fees must be paid upon reception of the document. If you do not claim the requested document, the fees must still be paid.
    Delays, loss or dammage of the document Late fees are charged to the subscriber. If you lose or damage a document used by ILL, you must pay the fees charged by the lending library. An invoice will be sent for this purpose. Administration fee will apply.
    Reception of a document The time required to obtain a document may vary depending on the location of the desired article, the availability of the document and the postal service. Therefore, please understand that it is impossible to confirm the date on which the document will be available for you.

    When we receive your document, we will reach you by phone or by email. Then, you have 5 days to come at the library to get your document at the loaning desk with you membership card. After 3 unclaimed documents, the member subscriber is no longer authorized to take advantage of this service.
    Canceling a request If your request is no longer need, please contact, as soon as possible, the library email or by phone at 514-457-1940.

    It is possible to make a purchase suggestion for the library by going to the loan desk and filling out a form, or by sending your request by e-mail to the address biblio@sadb.qc.ca. Click here for the form.

    Please read the following information before completing the purchase order form:

    • You must have a valid library membership card.
    • Please consult the catalog, by title and author, before suggesting the acquisition of a document to ensure that we do not already have the title in question;
    • Suggest only titles that are already published and available in Quebec (not those to be published);
    • If the title has been published for more than 2 years, ask for an  Inter-library loan;
    • You must complete a different form for each suggested title;
    • For audiovisual documents, only commercially successful documents of the current year will be acquired.

    Your requests will be analyzed according to the municipal library of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue acquisition policy. If the title you are suggesting is not purchased, it is because it is not available or does not meet our selection criteria.