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    Règlement sur le stationnement de nuit - Hiver 2024-2025

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    General Information

    For information and registration (if required) : 514 457-1940

    Cost : Free with membership card, $5 without membership card (priority to residents and members)

    Knit-Tea Club

    To knit in good company, crochet or make any type of craft, and exchange your knowledge in the field or simply to have a good time, bring your needles, your wool and join us over a cup of tea! No materials provided.

    Clientele: Adolescents (15 and over) and adults | Bilingual

    Location: Library

    Schedule: Every Monday | 6 pm to 8 pm - from August 26 2024

    Cost: Free for members, $5 for non-members

    Autumn 2024 | Book Club

    Members meet after reading a common book and discuss their impressions. Interested parties should register at the library.

    Summer literary program:

    September : Discussions on members' summer reading

    October : Cent ans de solitude de Gabriel Garcia Marquez (fr) / Moon of the turning leaves de Waubgeshig Rice (ang)

    November: Tant qu'il y aura des cèdres by Pierre Jarawan (fr) / The nine lives of Charlotte Taylor by Sally Armstrong (ang)

    December: Les femmes du bout du monde by Mélissa Da Costa (fr) / Sweet sweet revenge Ltd. by Jonas Jonasson (ang)

    Clientele: Adults

    Location: Library


    • 2nd Wednesday of each month | 2 p.m. for the francophone club
    • 3rd Wednesday of each month | 7 p.m.  for the English club

    Family mornings

    Parents and toddlers, come and take advantage of these special times at the library to socialize with other parents. A special time slot has been set aside for you. Free or animated periods. Books, toys, lending service. Registration not required.

    Clientele: Families with children aged 0-5

    Location: Library

    Dates : Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

    Cost : Free

    10th anniversary book club word tree

    This year, the book clubs will be celebrating their 10th anniversary! For the occasion, we'll be decorating our word tree with all the titles read that received top marks from members. We invite you to discover them and enter for a chance to win a gift by borrowing one of these titles. One book borrowed for one entry.

    Clientele: Adults, library members

    Location: Library

    Dates : November 4 to December 19. Drawing on December 19.

    Cost : Free