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    Peter-Williamson chalet will be closed indefinitely

    The Peter-Williamson chalet was damaged by the storm that happened on Friday, August 9, 2024
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    Snow removal

    Snow removal

    Snow removal by private contractors

    Important: This by-law summary has been prepared for the convenience of the reader only and has no official status. No guarantee is offered as to the accuracy of the text. For all legal purposes, the reader should consult the official version of the by-law and each of its amendments or obtain a certified copy by the city clerk.

    Mandatory permit for snow removal contractors

    Any snow removal contractor must, before carrying out snow removal work on the territory of the City, first obtain a permit and pay the associated fees*.

    ** The permit is valid from November 1 to April 30 and is non-transferable.


    The permit issued is a sticker. The contractor must affix the sticker in the upper left corner of the rear window of each registered vehicle. Only these vehicles can be used on the territory of the city.

    Snow removal contractors must complete a permit request with the municipal patrol, either by phone at 514 457-5199 or by email at

    To accelerate the process, download the form here and email it to the address listed above.

    When requesting a permit, the contractor must provide the following information:

    • the last name, first name, address and telephone number of the owner of any vehicle to be used by the snow removal contractor on the territory of the City;
    • the company, model, year, serial number and copy of the registration certificate of any vehicle to be used by the snow removal contractor on City territory;
    • if applicable, a copy of the declaration of registration in the register of sole proprietorships, companies and legal persons of the snow removal contractor;
    • if applicable, if the snow removal contractor is a legal person, the address of the head office and a copy of the constituting act of this legal person;
    • proof of liability insurance for the minimum amount of two million dollars ($ 2,000,000).

    The contractor must also pay the amount determined in By-law relating to tariffs, as adopted annually by Council, for the purposes of registering his business with the City*.

    In addition to the fees mentioned, the snow removal contractor must pay the registration fees for each of his vehicles that he intends to use in snow removal on the territory of the City*:

    • Only vehicles equipped with a snowblower may be used on City territory;
    • The registration fees for each vehicle are determined in the By-law relating to tariffs, as adopted annually by the Council.
    • No license issued for one vehicle can be transferred to another vehicle.

    Once all the information has been received and the issuance of the permit has been approved by the municipal patrol, the contractor can get his permit and pay the associated fees* at the reception desk of the town hall, at 109 rue Sainte-Anne.

    • The contractor may not deposit or allow to deposit snow or ice in any way within a radius of one meter from a fire hydrant;
    • The contractor may not deposit or allow to desposit snow or ice on a sidewalk, in a park or public place;
    • The contractor may not deposit or allow to be deposit snow or ice on the street or on a public road;
    • The contractor cannot even partially obstruct or block a public road;
    • The contractor may not deposit or allow to deposit snow or ice in a watercourse or on private land or on a neighbor’s land with or without the owner’s authorization;
    • The contractor may not deposit or allow to deposit snow or ice within six (6) meters of an intersection.

    Any violation of this by-law is punishable by a fine and/or penalties. The contractor holding the permit issued by the City is presumed responsible for offenses committed by his employees or sub-contractors.

    Règlement numéro 830-1  21 SEPTEMBER 2023
    Modifiant le règlement numéro 830 relatif au déneigement par des entrepreneurs privés