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    Peter-Williamson chalet will be closed indefinitely

    The Peter-Williamson chalet was damaged by the storm that happened on Friday, August 9, 2024
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    Public safety, nuisances and more

    Public safety, nuisances and more



    This coding has been prepared solely for the convenience of the reader and has no official value. No warranty is offered as to the accuracy of the text. For all legal purposes, the reader should consult the official version of the by-law and each of its amendments or obtain a copy by contacting the City's clerk office.

    *The bylaws listed below are those that are asked for most often. If you have any questions or would like to inquire about any other bylaw, please call 514-457-5500. Documents are available in French only.

    By-law number 772-3 12 MARCH 2024
    Modifying by-law number 772 relating to truck and tool-vehicle traffic in order to clarify articles 2 "prohibited traffic" and 3 "exceptions" and to modify article 4 "offences and penalties".

    Règlement numéro 769 5 MARCH 2024
    Règlement sur la circulation et le stationnement et abrogeant le règlement numéro 510 et ses amendements

    Règlement 770 5 MARCH 2024
    Relatif aux nuisances et à la sécurité et abrogeant le règlement numéro 512 et 513

    Règlement numéro 769 | Annexe A 9 MARCH 2022
    Annexe A

    Règlement numéro 769 | Annexe B 9 MARCH 2022
    Annexe B

    Règlement numéro 769 | Annexe C 9 MARCH 2022
    Annexe C

    Règlement numéro 769 | Annexe D 7 DECEMBER 2023
    Annexe D