• 1
  • Alertes


    Le chalet Peter-Williamson sera fermé pour une durée indéterminée

    Le chalet Peter-Williamson a été endommagé suite à la tempête qui a eu lieu le vendredi 9 août 2024.
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  • Emploi
  • Contactez-nous!


    Police Department

    Police Department

    Police department


    Police services on the City of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue territory is provided by the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM).


    Serves the towns of Baie-D’Urfé, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Senneville

    2883, boul. Saint-Charles (near boul. Hymus
    Kirkland (QC) H9H 3B5

    Phone: 514 280-0101
    Fax : 514 280-0601

    >> PDQ 1 website

    Prevention Tips

    For a safe and secure living environment and to help protect your rights and privacy, the Neighbourhood Police Station 1 have issued safety and prevention tips which you will find below.

    Prevention in case of...

    Service d'avis à la communauté - Montreal Agglomération

    The « Service d’avis à la communauté » (SAC) is a new service for emergency messaging to all citizens of the agglomeration of the City of Montreal. It aims to send phone messages during emergency situations by targeting geographical areas. This service uses a database of 9-1-1 calls that contains land based telephone lines of most homes and businesses on the territory.

    Citizens are invited to add their mobile or their home phone numbers to their contact information in order to receive alert messages. Register now

    Visible Addresses

    The "visible addresses" project is an initiative of the Public Safety department in order to raise awareness among all property owners on our territory. On several occasions, emergency first responders found that emergency response was delayed because the building was not properly identified.

    In order to facilitate the emergency response, note that the municipal by-law requires that your civic number be installed on the façade of your property and the numbers must be large enough (larger than 9 cm, but smaller than 20 cm) to be visible from the street.

    Remember that this is a key element for your safety. The fact that your address is visible could simply save your life.

    For more information, please contact the Public Safety department at 514 457-5199.

    PDQ report

    This is a rapport of the PDQ which was presented during the council meeting on February 12nd, 2024

    PDQ 1 activity report from the 1st of january to the 22nd of February March 15th 2024