Alertes |
Règlement sur le stationnement de nuit - Hiver 2024-2025Règlement sur le stationnement de nuit - Hiver 2024-2025Du 1er décembre au 31 mars, il est strictement interdit de stationner un véhicule routier sur la voie publique :
Cette interdiction est aussi valide pour les détenteurs de vignettes. Durant cette période, vous pouvez stationner votre véhicule dans tous les parcs de stationnement autorisés aux heures permises (voir la signalisation). Aucun véhicule ne peut être stationné dans l’axe commerciale entre 4 h et 7 h et pour une durée de plus de 48 h au même endroit. |

Important Information Regarding Parking Stickers
- All stickers are valid for the period from September 1st to August 31st and must be renewed each year.
- The sticker must be affixed to the windshield on the driver's side and be visible at all times.
- A sticker may not be assigned, sold or transferred to another person or vehicle.
- In case of a change of vehicle for which a sticker has been issued, a new sticker is issued upon presentation of proof of theft, destruction or change of vehicle.
- The vignettes are only valid in limited parking areas. Areas where no signage limits parking may be used by all road users.
- No sticker allows you to park your vehicle in parking spaces located in the commercial axis for more than two hours.
- No sticker allows you to park your vehicle for more than 48 consecutive hours in the same parking space.
Parking stickers for the 2024-2025 season are now available.
The new stickers will beavailable starting Monday, August 19, 2024, at the library (consult its opening hours) as well as City Hall during business hours (Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.).
*Please note that the parking stickers available at the library are for residents only while the ones at City Hall are for business owners and residents.
You will need:
Resident sticker renewal
Documents required :
- One (1) copy of registration certificate or lease in the name of the person requesting the sticker;
- Two (2) proofs of residence showing the address of the applicant for whom the sticker is requested.
The only documents accepted are :
- The municipal tax bill for the current or previous year;
- Valid driver’s license;
- Proof of up-to-date automobile insurance.
Businesses sticker renewal
Documents required :
- One (1) copy of registration certificate;
- Pay stub issued within the last month.
Every road vehicle shall be parked no more than 30 centimeters from the nearest curb and in the same direction as traffic. On a public road or parking lot, no vehicle shall be parked to occupy more than one parking space, as designated for that purpose by the white lines, and so encroach on neighboring space.
The information below is for informational purposes only. To view By-law 769 regarding traffic and parking, please click here.
No one may park or stop a road vehicle:
- on a sidewalk or a median
- in any place where the signs indicate that the parking is reserved exclusively for certain categories of road vehicles
- in a drop-off zone or in an area reserved exclusively for public transport vehicles
- in front of a sidewalk ramp specially designed for disabled people
- in order to render signage ineffective, impede the circulation, the execution of work or the maintenance of the public road or to hinder the access to a property
- reserved areas to provide access to a fire department vehicle and identified by appropriate signage
- in a bike lane or path
It is forbidden to stop or park a road vehicle in a parking space reserved for the exclusive use of handicapped persons and identified by means of a signal to that effect, with the exception of the holders of a sticker displaying the international wheelchair symbol .
It is forbidden to park a road vehicle for more than 48 hours on a public road or public square. The said road vehicle may be towed after this period, at the expense of the owner.
It is prohibited to park a road vehicle on specifically identified Macdonald College and John Abbott CEGEP grounds where a parking permit is required.
It is forbidden to stop or park a road vehicle on the parking lot behind the Town Hall and adjacent to the municipal garage, except in the parking spaces provided for this purpose.
All Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue residents can obtain a free parking sticker allowing them to park their vehicle in municipal parking lots and on residential streets.
Area near John Abbott College
Due to the scarcity of parking spaces during the school year in the area near John Abbott College and McGill Macdonald Campus, resident citizens on Adam, Brown, Maple, Perrault, and St. Georges Streets (between Montée Sainte-Marie and Maple) can obtain a free, distinctive, square shaped parking sticker for their residential area.
- No sticker allows you to park your vehicle in parking spaces located in the commercial axis for more than two hours
- It is forbidden to park a vehicle for more than 48 hours in the same parking space
Sticker for Businesses and Employees
You can purchase this parking sticker at City Hall for $80. To obtain one, you must have on hand:
- Driver’s license
- A copy of the registration certificate or rental agreement in the name of the person applying for the sticker
- The vehicle’s description (make, model, color)
- It is forbidden for any holder of a business or employee sticker to park a vehicle in areas reserved for resident citizens
- It is forbidden for any holder of a business or employee sticker to park a vehicle on the commercial axis
- From May 1 to August 31, all seasonal vignette holders must park their vehicles in the parking lot of the EXO train station located at 105, boul. des Anciens-Combattants
- From May 1 to August 31, it is forbidden for any holder of a seasonal business or employee sticker to park a vehicle in the Village’s streets and parking lots between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.
- It is forbidden to park a vehicle for more than 48 hours in the same parking space
- Any vehicle parked in a prohibited area may be moved or towed at the expense of the owner
Overnight Winter Parking (INFO-SNOW)
Every day at 4 p.m., from December 1 to March 31, motorists can find out if the overnight street parking ban is lifted by consulting “Info-Snow” on the City’s website or by calling 514 457-1001
The decision to lift the ban or not will depend on weather conditions and snow removal and deicing operations planned by the Public Works Department.
The provisions of Parking By-law 769 provide that from December 1st to March 31st, it is strictly forbidden to park a road vehicle on public roads, even those with a parking sticker:
- between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. in the North sector
- between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. in the South sector
It is the responsibility of every vehicle owner to check daily for updates before parking their car during the ban period. If the ban is not lifted, the current regulation is applied and offenders are subject to fines set out in the Parking By-law.
Reserved parking for residents during school periods 
To facilitate parking for residents during school periods, sections of on-street parking have been reserved for residents of Maple, Brown, Perrault and Saint-Georges streets.
These sections are identified by a sign indicating the following rule:
- No parking from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Monday to Friday
- Between August 15 and May 31
The only vehicles authorized to park in these zones are those with a square permit issued by the Ville de Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue.
of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue. These permits are issued only to residents of Maple, Brown, Perrault and Saint-Georges streets, upon presentation of 2 proofs of residence, either at City Hall or at the library.
A fine of $100 plus administration fees will be levied on any vehicle found to be in breach of this rule.
Please be careful when parking in these areas. You can also ask members of the municipal patrol to show you where you can park, depending on your needs.
Overnight Parking during the Holiday Season
From December 22 to January 7 inclusive, the City will temporarily tolerate overnight parking on streets and in parking lots during the holiday season. This will allow your guests to park without restriction (where parking is permitted) beyond the time limits to celebrate in peace.
Please note that this permission does not apply to Ste-Anne Street.
Check the daily updates on the Info-Snow web page at 4 p.m. to find out if you are authorized to park overnight or not.
Please be aware of the signage. If in doubt, please contact the municipal patrol at 514-457-1001.
Parking regulation on the commercial axis
The City of Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue has eased parking regulations on the commercial axis for the 2023-2024 winter season. Parking will be permitted for more than two hours beginning November 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024 from 5 p.m. to 4 a.m.
In case of snow, every vehicle owner should check on Info-Snow for updates regarding parking on the street.
Reminder : It is forbidden to park a vehicle on the commercial axis between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m., all year long.
Commercial Axis
It is forbidden to park a vehicle on the commercial axis between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m., all year long.
The commercial axis is defined as follows:
- Rue Sainte-Anne, from Galipeault Bridge to rue Maple
- Rue Kent
- City Hall parking lot
- Rue Lalonde parking lot
Parking Lots in the Village
1. Pont Galipeault Parking Lot
Maximum 4 hours
46 regular spaces / 3 disabled spaces
2. Du Collège Parking Lot
Maximum 4 hours
119 regular spaces / 3 disabled spaces / 1 space for electric car charging
3. City Hall Parking Lot
Maximum 2 hours
13 regular spaces / 2 disabled spaces / 1 space for electric car charging
4. Harpell Parking Lot
Reserved for users of the library, the Harpell Center and the swimming pool
30 regular spaces / 1 disabled space
5. Saint-Pierre Parking Lot
Maximum 4 hours
5 regular spaces
6. Lalonde Parking Lot
Maximum 2 hours
18 regular spaces / 1 disabled space
7. Lamarche Parking Lot
Maximum 4 hours
30 regular spaces / 1 disabled space
8. Larry Moquin Parking Lot
Maximum 4 hours
28 regular spaces / 2 reserved spaces habdicapés
9. Train Station Parking Lot
From May to September, EXO train station parking is available free of charge at any time for visitors coming to Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue.