Info-Works - Ville de Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
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    Règlement sur le stationnement de nuit - Hiver 2024-2025

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    Works Info

    Renovation of rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste (between rue du Collège and rue Sainte-Anne) 

    An information session was held on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 6:30 p.m., on the 2nd floor of Harpell Centre, to discuss the municipal infrastructure repairs on rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste.

    This work, originally scheduled for 2023, has been delayed and postponed to a later date due to much higher costs than forecast in the PTI. Thanks to a $1 million subsidy from the TECQ, the city can now go ahead with the project.

    Work will start in June 2025 and last approximately 9 weeks, finishing at the end of July 2025.

    View the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Street repairs presentation

    Pavillon Lalonde: a window on the water, a place to gather

    A brand-new pavilion is coming to Lalonde Park in summer 2025! With redesigned access to the

    water for the benefit of residents and modern multifunctional facilities, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue will offer a relaxing and refreshing place to reconnect with Lac Saint-Louis. Sainte-Anne is changing, and getting more beautiful!

    The pavilion will be used to organize local and tourist activities. This project is also part of an initiative to give residents back access to the water, and is part of the project to stabilize the banks of Kelso Park and the adjacent promenade.

    View the presentation unveiled to residents at an information session held on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at the Harpell Centre.

    Development work at Aumais Park

    Please note that there will be development work in Aumais Park.

    Details of the work :

    • Start date: July 2024
    • End of work: summer 2025

    The development work in Aumais Park will include several new features:

    • A water play area
    • A play area for 0- to 5-year-olds
    • A play area for 5- to 12-year-olds
    • A relaxation area with shade sails

    For the safety of all, residents and workers alike, please ensure that you comply with all park regulations during the construction period.

    Stabilizing the banks of Kelso Park and the adjacent promenade

    The city is embarking on a project to stabilize the banks of Kelso Park and the adjacent Promenade, whose retaining walls have been severely damaged by the effects of climatic hazards over the past decade. The project, valued at just over $13.4 million, will enable municipal infrastructures to be adapted to the impacts of climate change.

    The project benefits from a $9,628,578 grant from the Quebec government, awarded under the Programme de résilience et d'adaptation face aux inondations (PRAFI) of the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation. This assistance will enable the city to cover most of the cost of the work.

    Stabilization work will include the repair of retaining walls and related works, as well as site development and bank revegetation. Work is scheduled to start in fall 2024 and continue until early spring 2025.

    The City is committed to carrying out the rehabilitation work while minimizing the impact on residents, businesses and users. That said, it is important to note that:

    • The project will start on September 30, 2024, and run for 20 working weeks.
    • Work will take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
    • The work will require the closure of Parc Kelso, Place des Eaux-Vives, Rue Lalonde and Parc Lalonde, as well as the promenade between Place des Eaux-Vives and the Rue Lalonde parking lot.
    • Parking will be prohibited on rue Sainte-Anne and in certain areas near the work site from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., but will be permitted on weekdays from 7 p.m. and all day on weekends, unless otherwise indicated.
    • Due to the nature of the work, noise pollution is to be expected, and mitigation measures will be put in place to minimize inconvenience.

    For the safety of all residents and workers, please respect the signage in place.
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Bike path temporarily reopens

    The bike path will be temporarily reopened from 5pm on August 27, 2024.

    • Only one lane of traffic will be accessible to users.

    For everyone's safety, please respect the signage in place.
    More information to come on the repair work.